The Wyoming Water Association promotes smart development and use of Wyoming's water resources.
We support continuation of a statewide water development program, including groundwater and surface water, rehabilitation of existing projects, and multiple purpose water projects to serve agriculture, recreation, fish and wildlife conservation, municipal, industrial, and other uses.
Water planning, management, administration, and studies depend on accurate data. We support efforts throughout the state of Wyoming to improve water resource data. We advocate for funding for a statewide groundwater monitoring network, continued maintenance and rehabilitation of long-term stream gages, and advanced water resource modeling.
We support Wyoming’s efforts to develop a statewide water plan. Wyoming water users support a comprehensive statewide water plan, and we urge the Governor and the Legislature to continue to support and fully fund the continuous and comprehensive statewide water planning process including statewide assessments of aging water infrastructure, river basin plans, watershed studies, and the development of basin-wide geographic information systems and decision support systems.
We support cooperative efforts to conserve and recover wildlife in our state, like the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program. We believe Wyoming’s water resources can and should support our native wildlife while recognizing the needs of Wyoming’s water users, state water laws, court decrees, and interstate compacts.
As Wyoming’s water demands change and evolve, we believe Wyoming’s water rights must continue to support the people of Wyoming. We believe that decisions about the future of Wyoming’s water should be made at the state and local level, and we oppose irreversible land use decisions that will negatively impact Wyoming’s water users. For these reasons, we believe transferring agricultural water rights to other uses should not be a permitting requirement of the federal government, and we support efforts that improve Wyoming’s resilience to drought and other impacts on water resources.